giovedì 11 novembre 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today was group day. This morning we discussed our reflections on yesterday's presentations, created posters to represent our discussions and then presented the posters. Every member of my group was very hands on in making our poster.

I love the finished product. It represents bamboo and how we as Lasallians need to be more like bamboo. Sending out new roots, widening our base and bringing up new shoots in our home ministries.

This evening, Br. Leonardo took Tina, Br. Mark, Br. David and I on a night tour of Rome. My photos in no way represent the beauty of Rome at night.

This is St. Peter's Square. Notice the lights are on in the Papal apartment. I'm sure he was sitting up late thinking about ordaining women.

Br. Mark, Tina, Br. Leonardo and Br. David sharing theories about what the Pope watches on t.v. on Thursday nights. I heard that during Project Runway, he was on team Mondo.

 This is a little better shot. The streak to the lower right is a motor cycle. He was a little close for comfort.

 The Fountain Aquapaola.
This is right beside the Spanish Embacy.  There were guards with guns to my left as I was talking these pictures. 

The Brothers.

The Tiber at Tiberina Island.
At one point the Island was a place for criminals and the chronically ill - perhaps a leper colony. Today it has a hospital and is the home of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God and the Basilica of San Bartomeo.

 The Arch of Constantine.
The building of this began in 312 and it was dedicated in 315.

 More of the Arch of Constantine.

 The Colosseum.
Construction began approximately 70 A.D. and was completed in 80 A.D. It had seating from about 50,000.

 Another shot of the Colosseum.

 An interesting fact from Wikipedia: the local authorities of Rome change the color of the Colosseum's night time illumination from white to gold whenever a person condemned to the death penalty anywhere in the world gets their sentence commuted or is released, or if a jurisdiction abolishes the death penalty. Most recently, the Colosseum was illuminated in gold when capital punishment was abolished in the American state of New Mexico in April 2009.

 Brother Leonardo.
Brother is the Canon  Lawyer for the Christian Brothers. And he's a pretty good tour guide too! His home country is Colombia, but he drives like a Roman.

 Rome from the top of the highest hill.At night, it glows.

This is my art shot. It's a long exposure of the city at night. 

And that's it for tonight. It's very late and I need to shut down and get some sleep.

Ciao, Bellas!

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